Post #9 The Gate – The Ultimate Mind Virus

What would you say if I told you that the most powerful aspect separating you from true reality is that your mind has been deliberately hacked?

Sound strange?

I am referring to the primary mind virus – what I call The Gate.

What is a mind virus, you ask? I came up with the following:

Mind virus: thought forms deliberately introduced into the subconscious for the express purpose of altering an individual’s conscious thoughts, perceptions, emotions, actions, and reactions.

A mind virus serves to control the host. The ultimate and most powerful of such is The Gate, which essentially erects a fortified barrier preventing the afflicted individual (e.g. “most of us”) from realizing his or her true capabilities. The Gate acts as a censor from the subconscious to the conscious mind, and is activated when the conscious mind is presented with information which stands to potentially broaden the individual’s conception of what possible on the physical plane. It is called The Gate because it acts like an overly ‘roided-up bouncer, violently swinging its weight around in order to prevent certain and specific truths from becoming part of the individual’s conscious awareness.


Post #8 The Blockade of the Truth

How do they keep you from realizing your full human potential?

You need to look within to fully appreciate the magnitude of this, but I shall (hopefully) shed some light on the answer, or at least send you in the proper direction, so that you may discover your own truth on this matter.

In order to provide for easier recall of the main points here, I have settled upon a mnemonic device which I have dubbed The Five Ds.

  • Dogma
  • Division
  • Diversion
  • Debt
  • Disinformation

Each of these represents a conceptual tactic by which you, and the rest of the great mass of humanity, are held back. Once you become cognizant of these tactics, you are well on your way to eviscerating the yoke placed upon you — which has been holding you back more or less since birth.


Post #7 3:15 AM

Here’s something perplexing: for the past 6 months or so, I have awakened, glanced at my bedside clock, and noticed that it reads precisely 3:15 AM … This has been happening to me at least 5 mornings a week; sometimes it can be for a stretch of 10+ days in a row.

What is it about 3:15 AM?

I do find that once awakened, I feel a sense of intense calm. No buzzing sounds, nothing disturbing the peace and quiet — an almost indescribable void of disturbance or distraction.


Post #6 Mankind’s Natural State of Being

Much has been said, written, and expounded upon related to the topic of mankind’s suffering. I, for one, think that to say there is any redeeming aspect of our suffering is total bullshit.

We are not here to suffer! Mankind’s natural state of being is NOT to suffer for the sake of spiritual growth. Rather, our natural state of being is one of love and truth. If this runs against the grain of your belief system (aka “BS”), haven’t you ever taken a moment to ask the question: why would a benevolent creator wish harm and destruction upon its creation?

I think I know why the common thread amongst many religions is that of suffering and redemption. The reason is pure and simple: control.


Post #4 The Thematic Convergence of my Past Lives

[note: sorry for the lengthy post, but I trust you will find the highly personal detail worth the read]

As I mentioned in Post #3 Something Just Ain’t Right – Part 3 of 3, I have spent time learning about Past Life Regression (PLR), including taking a 50-hour course for practitioners. Some definitions I have culled from the internet would be useful here as a starting point for this post.

From the always-so-reliable go-to source, Wikipedia:

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. Most advocates loosely adhere to beliefs about reincarnation,[1] though religious traditions that incorporate reincarnation generally do not include the idea of repressed memories of past lives.

… and if that wasn’t skeptical enough, here the entry in The Skeptic’s Dictionary:

Past life regression (PLR) is the alleged journeying into one’s past lives while hypnotized. While it is true that many patients recall past lives, it is highly probable that their memories are false memories. The memories are from experiences in this life, pure products of the imagination, intentional or unintentional suggestions from the hypnotist, or confabulations.


Post #3 Something Just Ain’t Right – Part 3 of 3

Picking up where I left off in Post 2, I want to focus now on a couple of specific areas in which I have realized a surprisingly high level of evidence of success. For most people, the topics Past Life Regression (PLR) and Remote Viewing (RV) come across as being “a little bit out there”, and I would have concurred with such a sentiment just a few years ago.

Over the course of my independent research, I came across these topics and decided that they would be perfect first candidates for me to explore from the actionable side of things. I plan on going into much more detail in later posts on each, but here I shall briefly describe several personal experiences which proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that a world exists which is far beyond the perception of a mundane day-to-day world in which the vast majority are enmeshed. Not only do I believe such a world exists, I have good reason to believe that the number of people on our planet who are waking up to this new reality is increasing at an encouraging rate!


Post #2 Something Just Ain’t Right – Part 2 of 3

The first event of profound impact upon me in my awakening process was the near-nightly recurrence of a quite memorable and vivid dream. In this dream, I am walking down a busy city street in an American metropolitan area. I get the sense that there is a lot of bustle, but I never get an impression of faces. As I head down the street, I make my way into a sports bar. The setting changes slightly from dream-to-dream, but while the scenery changes, the overarching message and the perceived sequence of events does not.


Post #1 Something Just Ain’t Right – Part 1 of 3

“Something just ain’t right”

This thought has been fixed in the fore of my thoughts for some time. Perhaps you feel it and recognize it too? Maybe that is why you are here … seeking answers … seeking truth? I am here to let you know that we are on a path together, a path of righteousness, a path of enlightenment, even, yes, a path of “most” resistance. For you and I, my brother or sister, are answering a calling. The calling may be faint — like an almost imperceptible buzzing in the ear. Or, it may be entirely visceral, real and ever-present in your thoughts, simultaneously pervading and invading your consciousness. Wherever it may be, or wherever you may be, along this continuum, I can assure you it is real. This calling is the most important aspect of your beingness or existence. It may even be the reason you are here in this time and place. This is the calling to the Light, and you are a Warrior for the Light — whether you realize it yet or not.


Welcome and Hello

Hello. My name is Ron Verulam and I have something of a tale to tell. Over the course of the next several blog posts, I am going to tell the story of the journey into high strangeness I have experienced over the past 18 months, and in which I presently find myself fully immersed. After setting the background with these initial posts, I hope to embark upon a series of enlightening posts with the aim of bringing the right mix of knowledge and skills to the readership so that we can really turn this thing around.

What thing, you might ask? Well, that’ll be the story of this blog. In a brief nutshell, it is a story of the light versus the dark, and a story in which you and I are literally acting out in real-time today!

You might not agree with everything I say in this blog. Wonderful! That means you are exercising your critical thinking. It also means that you have your own set of beliefs, values, experiences, and insights, and I hope that we can all share in this great awakening together.

And just a note: I welcome comments and private messages (see the Contact tab).

May you find and keep the truth, life, and light.

~ Ron